Stations of the Cross: Mental Illness in the Time of COVID-19

Never before have my Maundy Thursday preparations included turning my kitchen into a makeshift recording studio. It was a somewhat surreal experience putting this together - usually when I talk about my work it’s in conversation with folks, in person where I can meet people’s eyes and feel the Spirit’s presence in the room.

I didn’t feel too much of the Holy Spirit at midnight last night when I kept tripping over my words and finding typos during my first Zoom meditation. I felt at the end of my rope. When I finished in the early hours of the morning, I was exhausted -- that type of exhaustion you feel when your body says “enough” but your brain has other plans for you so you just lay in bed and wait for the sun to come up.

This is a Maundy Thursday unlike any other, yet the themes of vulnerability and community are as vivid and as enduring as ever. My Facebook and Instagram feeds are full of laypeople and clergy sharing themselves and witnessing to Christ’s work in our world. It is a vulnerable thing to share in this work together.

While I’m not putting my feet into your hands this evening, I am sharing a part of my heart.

Join me in praying for all folks struggling with mental health in this time of COVID-19.